Competitive Quality

Superior quality is a personal motto of desire over the years, both in the work environment, family environment and the assemblies of dhikr or assemblies fikir. Actually not too far-fetched, the desire to achieve something that is superior and also the quality is a dynamic human nature. Anyone who is aware of the importance of life's struggle to achieve the ultimate satisfaction, would have been familiar with the motto of "superior quality". Just to add insight, something that superior quality is characterized as follows: what is it?
1) have the privilege,
2) have more value (added value),
3) can be enjoyed by many parties,
4) recognized by the opponent and friend,
5) does not lead to arrogance,
6) tend to get more than they are during this time,
7) increase self-awareness,
8) adds the power of faith in the Almighty power of God.
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